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This is an incomplete list of the shortform reading (and listening and watching) I've been doing lately.

Shortform reading list

620 results
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AI companies promised to self-regulate one year ago. What’s changed?
artificial intelligence, policy
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Z-Library defends admins and vows to expand access after domain seizures.
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Distributed Denial of Secrets, the de facto heir to Wikileaks, has now mirrored data Wikileaks previously published to ensure it stays available.
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“Why wasn't I consulted,” which I abbreviate as WWIC, is the fundamental question of the web. It is the rule from which other rules are derived.
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I have a bias towards discussion in the open that I know probably most people don’t agree on. Many like to keep the discussions in small circles and behind closed doors. And there definitely are topics where I like to do that as well, especially very personal ones. In Make ripples through time and space by writing, under heading “From small private circles to the collective knowledge base”, I wrote about how I prefer questions in work context being asked in open channels rather than DMs where they only benefit the individuals in question.
blogging, indieweb, open web
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The "barrier to entry" can seem high when it comes to weaning our dependance on big tech but I feel strongly that it's well worth it.
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So now I have this space I built for me. A place I can feel proud of because I made it. A place that represents me and the way I want to present myself to the world. A place for my voice to shine through. A real home.
blogging, digital sovereignty, indieweb, programming, web
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The Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll is the first comprehensive survey of the states most likely to decide the outcome in the Electoral College since the debate on June 27. Its findings run counter to some recent national polls, which showed a worsening picture for Biden. The poll could turn out to be a statistical outlier.
US politics
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Twilio has confirmed that an unsecured API endpoint allowed threat actors to verify the phone numbers of millions of Authy multi-factor authentication users, potentially making them vulnerable to SMS phishing and SIM swapping attacks.
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To reinforce and encourage Mastodon as the go-to place for journalism, we’re launching a new feature today. You will notice that underneath some links shared on Mastodon, the author byline can be clicked to open the author’s associated fediverse account, right in the app. This highlights writers and journalists that are active on the fediverse, and makes it easier than ever to follow them and keep up with their future work—potentially across different publications. Writers often work with different publishers over the span of their careers, but Mastodon is the perfect platform to amass a loyal audience that you, as the author, truly own, and can take with you across the fediverse.
fediverse, journalism