Activity tagged "FTX"


FTX executive Caroline Ellison is seeking a sentence of time served for her guilty plea on seven charges pertaining to the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange. Her sentencing submission paints her as someone whose “moral compass [was] warped” by Sam Bankman-Fried.

The probation department is also recommending time served, with three years of supervised release. Like Sam Bankman-Fried, she’s hit the maximum of 43 points on the sentencing guidelines, which would equate to a life sentence.

Exhibits include more of her diary entries to support the story that she was deeply unhappy and self-medicating with Adderall, and desperate for Sam Bankman-Fried’s approval and affection.

“I think a good night’s sleep is probably equivalent in productivity to about 7.5mg adderall, with a much nicer side effect profile”

Sentencing memo, exhibits


I get the sense that Judge Kaplan didn’t appreciate Ryan Salame’s recent take-backsies of his petition to have his conviction vacated or the investigation of his partner dismissed. “Notwithstanding defendant’s purported withdrawal without prejudice of his petition”, Kaplan intends to hear arguments on it.

LEWIS A. KAPLAN, District Judge.
Notwithstanding defendant's purported withdrawal without prejudice of his petition for a writ of error coram nobis or alternatively a writ of audita querula, the parties shall file the papers contemplated by the Court's order of August 21, 2024 on the schedule there set forth. Counsel shall appear for argument on September 12, 2024 as scheduled. Defendant's presence is required and his compliance with this requirement hereby is made a condition of his continued release on bail pending voluntary surrender.
Dated: August 29, 2024
Lewis A. Kaplan United States District Judge


Ryan Salame has withdrawn his petition from a week ago, in which he claimed the government had reneged on a promise not to continue their campaign finance investigation into his partner, Michelle Bond.

Bond was indicted on August 22 on campaign finance charges in connection to her unsuccessful 2022 campaign for a House seat in New York. Salame says he's withdrawing his petition now that the indictment has come down "to allow the facts to be developed by Ms. Bond, and a ruling to be made, in her case".