To reinforce and encourage Mastodon as the go-to place for journalism, we’re launching a new feature today. You will notice that underneath some links shared on Mastodon, the author byline can be clicked to open the author’s associated fediverse account, right in the app. This highlights writers and journalists that are active on the fediverse, and makes it easier than ever to follow them and keep up with their future work—potentially across different publications. Writers often work with different publishers over the span of their careers, but Mastodon is the perfect platform to amass a loyal audience that you, as the author, truly own, and can take with you across the fediverse.
Activity tagged "fediverse"
I think to have journalism with integrity, you have to have technology with integrity. And in my mind, open source is the way to have technology with integrity. And I want the best journalism to win because it's the best journalism, not because they have the best platform.
I had such a great chat with Mike McCue on his Dot Social podcast, where we talked about the future of the web and why I'm a web optimist, why everyone should be a blogger, digital ownership, and decentralized social media.
The full episode is available here and on PeerTube/YouTube/the usual podcast feeds!
In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new.
So excited to hear that the Ghost blogging software is going to support federation via ActivityPub!
If you sign up for updates, they have a survey where they're asking for feedback. Now's your chance to get your suggestions in!
Cool to see Ghost taking this step, while Substack is over there trying to build walls around their product to trap people in.
Ghost's post is also how I learned that Buttondown is working on ActivityPub support! 🙌 Exciting times.
RSS is dead, lol
This is awesome. paulcuth made a site where you can enter your fediverse handle and it identifies RSS feeds produced by the people you follow! The site URL is a great touch, too.